January 4, 2013

God and me and 40 Hard Things. An incomplete post.

As I thought about something to post tonight, I remembered that several years ago I began writing a book about my journey with God. When I re-read what I had written this evening, I was shocked. I remember being this person and I miss her desperately. So much has happened from then to now that has derailed my journey with God. This was a sweet reminder of where I once was and where I can be again.

The book is called, "40 Hard Things."  I've listed some of the hard things I came up with in this post. I think what I imagined was that for each hard thing, I would write about some of my experience with that hard thing and encourage the reader to delve into the hard thing themselves.

I was writing for Christians who want a deeper relationship with God as a Christian seeking to escape religion and find true relationship and closeness to God. I'm still on that journey despite the detours. Now the detours are interesting and some of them will eventually make the list of hard things. At some point, I may write about them on here. I may even finish the book.

From the Introduction:
In this world of “let’s make everything easy,” choosing to follow God, for it is a choice, is not for the faint at heart. It never has been.

Read the book. It chronicles the toughness of a life with God. Nowhere does God promise you the proverbial rose garden or an easy life of any sort. God promises you joy in the morning. God promises never to leave you or forsake you. God promises you a Comforter. God promises to order the steps of those who seek to live right before God. But God never says it will be easy.
Or does God? In Matthew 11:28-30, we read ““Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” In comparison to the yoke and burden of sin and death, the burden and yoke of life with Christ is easy. Key words here…in comparison.

This book is not about platitudes. It is not meant to bring you comfort. Much of it will not make you feel good, at least not in your flesh. But there is the possibility that your spirit will soar.

There’s no timeline to this book. It’s not a 40 days to your miracle sort of thing. For some it may take 40 days, maybe less. For others it will take much longer. Depends on you and what you’re willing to invest in this journey. This is not a good idea if you are not willing to look inside your heart and be honest. If that’s not where you are, close this book and come back when you are ready to do the inner work.

This is about inner work…about reaching a place of honesty with God that allows you to come to a place where you are face-to-face and there is nothing separating you. For many of us, that is a scary place and yet a place that we long to be.

Please don’t view the work that you might do here as an end in and of itself. It’s more part of your process, your journey with God. Some of the things you will find here will be easier to deal with and process.  Some things will take a bit of wrestling with yourself and with God. God is up to the challenge. Are you?

You cannot travel this road alone. It’s of no benefit if you do not invite God to travel with you. Each hard thing invites you to reflect and invites God’s revelation. It would also be useful to journal and see what God reveals to your heart.

Remember, God wants all of you…the good, the bad and the ugly. Go with God.
And now here's a taste of 40 Hard Things:
1. Look inside yourself. Do you really believe God loves you?
2. Life with God requires risk. What is blocking you from risking it all on God?
3. Healing is a process. Not all healing, in the broadest sense of that word, is instantaneous. If it is not instantaneous, is it somehow less miraculous, less God?
4. Don’t be afraid of power and authority. Of responsibility. Take the risk. Impact the kingdom for such a time as this. Esther 4: What are you being called to do that you are scared of?
5. Turn off the noise. Turn off what doesn’t work for you but against you. Sapping your focus and productivity. Turn it off. Hear God’s voice, trust God instead.
6. If you cannot suffer with him, you cannot glory with him. Suffering is not punishment, it’s preparation. Romans 8:17
7. Admit “it.” Whatever “it” is. God is seeking your heart honesty. Admit “it” and watch God work. Are you a doubter? Are you secretly angry with God? Do you feel duped? Do you feel God hasn’t lived up to his end of the deal? Are you wearing a mask of some sort? Are you disobedient because you refuse to take a risk on God? Psalm 139: 23-24
8. God is about community. No such thing as a one-man show in God’s kingdom. Every great leader had a supporting cast.
9. Let God out of the box you’ve put God in. God is only as big as you allow God to be.
10. Now let yourself out of the box you’ve put yourself in.
11. Where have you hidden your disappointment? Disappointment comes in when we think God is going to do something that doesn’t happen. We had it all figured out in our head. Therein lies the problem. “We” had it all figured out.

I pray you see beauty, practice gratefulness, and experience the goodness of life in this new year. Amen.


  1. As I read your post, I compared it with your opening statement, which looks at the Lolah that wrote the book, with a bit of nostalgia. What I have learned is not the you get derailed from your journey, its just that you just have to spend time actually walking it out. Life steps in, and while you are working in out,your 40 hard things became less of your focus, or even God. It seems like that but sometimes it not. God uses it all your seeming "detour" may not be a detour but part of the journey He had for you all along. He is able to use your honesty and transparency as you move forward with more experience, wisdom and understanding. I really look forward to hearing what you will be sharing moving forward. This post is such a blessing. Walk in grace...

    1. I don't know who this is but thank you. I needed to hear this perspective.
