January 16, 2012

When ish hits the fan.

I didn't post last week even though my list of TTD this year says I'm supposed to post weekly. I've realized I can take the pressure off myself and don't always have to post an original work but can post a quote or something interesting I read. I'm glad I realized this since I was berating myself for not having posted! Sometimes you have to show yourself a little grace. I'm not so good at that.

So we are two weeks into the new year...starting the third....and already it's been quite a ride.

Last week lots of ish hit the fan. 1) I was presented with an opportunity that I almost had to forfeit because I hadn't taken care of business. 2) I was bit in the butt (and it took a huge bite) by something I had not taken care of. (Notice a theme??)  

This is what happens when you don't take of your business when you're supposed to. I've been reflecting on why this happened and I realize that there are many reasons for this (I'm grateful to not be so self-centered that I think I'm the only one in the world having these types of experiences). For me, there are usually two main ones. The first is that I think I have time. Some of the craziness of last week was due to me running out of time when I thought I had time. The second main reason for me is relatively simple...I'm too scared to deal so I don't. I'm scared of a lot of things even though I don't come across that way. I procrastinate. I watch TV. I talk on the phone. I make seven million things a priority so that I can avoid dealing with the one thing that should be a priority. I know, I'm full of tom foolery and hijinks!

As I write this, I realize there is a third reason...I just don't want to take responsibility. That's awful and immature but it's true. This is similar to reason #2 but not quite. I can be an ostrich at times (And I've seen ostrich up close and personal. Though not one had their head in the sand. But we're very similar. We  both have huge meaty behinds! True story.). It's a huge character flaw, I know, that has gotten better over time but I still have a ways to go.

So I did a lot of praying and asking other people to intercede on my behalf last week. Strangely, or perhaps not, even in the midst I had peace. See....I figured out that God was showing me that God's grace is sufficient for me. That God's mercy really is available in abundance! I tested the bounds of God's grace, mercy, and love last week and I came out on the other side convinced that God loves me!!!

And it's not because God magically made everything right either. I didn't escape punishment. That wouldn't be wisdom on God's part, I don't think, because I needed to learn a lesson. When you do stuff or don't do stuff, it's good to suffer the consequences, whether they be positive or negative. God gave me wisdom to deal with the situations I found myself in, which is what I prayed for (okay well partly, I must admit I also prayed for a divine quick fix...but come on...I'm human!) and while there are repercussions for my actions, I am able, with God's grace, to suck it up with relation to one situation and, ultimately, the other situation worked out and I'll be able to take advantage of the opportunity. God is good!

So lesson learned the hard way. At least I hope I learned the lesson. It's likely that God will have to teach me this one a few more times. When God nudges me to take care of something, I should take care of it! I'm praying for strategy and increased sensitivity to the Holy Spirit's leading. Otherwise, I won't be able to see my way through.

Don't forget...Jesus loves you. It doesn't matter who you are, what you've done or what your issues are. I'm living proof.

1 comment:

  1. I am seriously part of the ostrich club too, though I am also forcing myself to just get to it already. It's amazing how many things we have to learn over and over again before they finally sink in, and yes, how grateful it teaches us to be in the face of grace.
